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Legacy ISP Services

Although we no longer offer Dialup Internet Access to the public for new accounts, and we no longer solicit new Web Hosting customers unless they come from a referral, we still keep these services up and running with the same high quality service we've offered our customers for over 25 years now. We are committed to keeping these services running for our existing loyal customers for as long as they choose to use them.

Since these customers may want to access certain information we have always had available on our web site that is no longer relevant to our current business model, we are happy to provide access to our old (and ugly) web site so that legacy customers can access the same links and information they may have grown dependent on over the years, along with our dialup access numbers list and various other data.

Click Here for EagleQuest's Old Web Site

You may also access it directly by typing http://www.eaglequest.com/oldsite/ into your browser window.

We want to thank our loyal customers who have been with us for so many years, and we assure you that we are not abandoning you. We will continue to maintain our services to the same high standards for as long as you are with us. We're in it for the long haul.